Monday, 22 February 2016

What's changed about the bus...

How some things haven't changed since the 80s

As a teenager I to school by green United Counties bus, remember those before the white heat of privatisation?  Well I lived one side of good old Leighton Buzzard and my upper school (Cedars) was the other side of Linslade. .

Buses back then were a terrible experience I don't think I ever travelled on one where the windows were any other colour than  brown. .

Anyway now it's private and it's all free wifi and hand stiched Italian leather seats but one thing has not changed..

Why is it when  buses travel they sound and feel inside as if they are trying to shake themselves and possible you to pieces?? I mean cars don't and neither do trains or coaches so what is it about the bus manufacturing process that means it's apparently ok to only half tighten all the bolts or fit only a specifically rattlely type of glass in the windows?

Answers on a postcard to


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